Blueberry Gown for Preemie

Blueberry Gown for Preemie

Bernat Baby Jacquards Florals ~ Bluebell;  Lion Brand Baby Soft ~ White; Size G Hook

Fpdc = front post double crochet;  Bpdc = back post dc

Row 1:Using Bluebell,  Chain 43.  1 hdc in 3rd chain , and in next 5 chs.  1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in next chain.  1 hdc in next 6 chains.  1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in next ch.  1 hdc in next 13 ch, 1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in next ch.  1 hdc in next 6 dc, 1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in next ch.  1 hdc in next 6 hdc.  Ch 2.

Row 2: 1 hdc in second stitch, 1 hdc in next 5 sts, 1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in ch 1 space, 1 hdc in next 8 sts, 1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in next ch, 1 hdc in next 15 sts, 1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in next ch 1 space,  1 hdc in next 8 sts, 1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in ch 1 space, 1 hdc in last 7 sts.  Ch 2.

Row 3: Repeat as for row 2, increasing each section of bodice.  61 hdc, Ch 2.

Row 4 to 7: Repeat row 2.   93 hdc.

Row 8: 1 hdc in each st to ch 1 space. 1 hdc in ch 1 space, ch 3, 1 hdc in next ch 1 space, 1 hdc in each st to next ch 1 space, 1 hdc in ch 1, ch 3, 1 hdc in ch 1 space, 1 hdc in each st to end.  59 hdc.

Row 9:  Ch 3, skip 1 st, *1 dc in next 2 sts, skip 1 st, dc, ch 1, dc(v-stitch) in next st, skip 1 st.* Work pattern across to last 3 sts, 1 dc in last 3 sts.  Ch 3.  15 v-sts.

Row 10: 1 dc in second st. *1 Bpdc in next dc, 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in ch 1 space* across to last 3 dc. 1 Bpdc in next dc, 1 dc in next 2 sts.  Ch 3.

Row 11:Repeat row 9.

Row 12: Repeat row 10.  Repeat alternating rows until 23 rows are completed.  Row 24 is a repeat of row 10.  End off.

Trim:  Attach white to last row of bodice.  Ch 1, 1 sc in same spot, continue up bodice with 1 sc evenly spaced up side.  Ch 1, 1 sc in each st around neck to end, ch 1 and sc down other side of bodice.  At the end of bodice, change to Bluebell and continue with sc down side to end, ch 1, working 1 sc in each dc along bottom row, missing each ch 1 space, to end.  Ch 1 and sc up side and join to beginning of white trim.  Hide all end and trim.


Attach white yarn to middle ch of underarm.  Ch 3, 1 dc in next ch, 1 dc in corner. *Skip 1 st, dc, ch 1, dc in next st, skip 1 st, 1 dc in next st* around, 1 dc in last ch.  (6 v-sts).  Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3, turn.

Row 2:* 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in ch 1 space, 1 Fpdc in next dc * around. End with Fpdc, skip last dc. Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 3:  *1 dc,ch 1, 1 dc in ch 1 space, Bpdc in next dc* around.  Join to top of Ch 3, ch 3, turn.

Continue same pattern until 6 rows are completed.  Attach Bluebell and work sc in each dc for trim.  End off.  Hide ends and trim.


Row 1: Ch 4 and join to form a circle.  Ch 3, (counts as 1 dc) 11 dc to center of circle.  Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3.  Do not turn.

Row 2: 1 dc in same space as ch 3.  2 dc in each st around. Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3. (24 dc)

Row 3: *Skip 1 dc, dc, ch 1, dc in next st, skip 1 st, fpdc in next st. * repeat around.  Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3. (8 v-sts)

Row 4 to 8: *2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in ch 1 space, fpdc around next dc* around.  Join to top of ch 3.  End after 8th row.  Attach Bluebell and ch 1, 1 sc in each st and ch 1 space around hat.  Join and end.  Hide all ends and trim.

I put white ribbon in row 1 and row 8.  Cut a length to give extra room for tying.

Have a good one.....Nan..

Fleece Party

Black Friday is a day I don't like going out to the mall or stores.  That is the rule I lived by until Joann Fabric's flyer came in the mail!  Fleece was on sale for $2.99 a yard and then a coupon for 25% off the final total, yes I will be there as early as I can.  I was up and ready to leave by 8:00.  It's going to be great, hardly any traffic.  Don't see many people either.  When the car was parked, I noticed people coming out of the store with carts piled high with fleece.  Good, I want to get some too for the babies.  I waited for a cart and then off I went.  I headed straight for the fleece aisle.  There were some new patterns that I claimed.  A lot were missing.  I strolled up to the cutting counter to pick a number.  Mine was 71 and they were on 44!  I am in for a wait.  I stood still for a few minutes and they weren't moving customers too fast because everyone had lots of fleece to be measured in their carts. 

I went to another section of the store to get yarn for the scarves I am selling then picked a few other things up and returned to the cutting counter.  Every once in a while one of the workers would go by with a cart of fleece to return to the display and I grabbed some new ones.  It took 2 hours before it was my turn, but that was okay.  I got my pretties cut and off to the register I went.  Good thing I don't have to hide this from anyone ~ there are too many bags!

Lacey Hat

Lion Brand Jamie Yarn # 3.  Blue Varigated. 
I Love This Yarn, Sport Weight, White and Lipstick for trim.
Size H hook

With main color:
Row 1: Chain 4 and join to form a circle.  Chain 3.  11 dc in circle.  Join to top of ch 3.  Do not turn. 

Row 2:  Ch 3. 1 dc in same space as joining.  2 dc in each of next 11 dc. Join to top of ch 3.  (24 dc.)

Row 3:  Chain 3, 1 fpdc in next dc, 1 dc in next st, * Ch 1, 1 dc in next st, 1 fpdc in next st, 1 dc in next st* around. (8 patterns) Join to top of ch 3.

Row 4:  Ch 3. 2 fpdc in next fpdc, 1 dc in next st.* Ch 1, 1 dc in next st, 2 fpdc in next fpdc, 1 dc in next st.* around.  (32 stitches) Join to top of ch 3.

Row 5: Ch 3, 1 fpdc in next two fpdc, 1 dc in next, *Ch 1, 1 dc in next st, 1 fpdc in next 2 fpdc, 1 dc in next st.*  Join to top of ch 3.

Row 6 to 10: Repeat row 5, then end off. 

Trim:  Attach trim color.  Ch 1, 1 sc in same space as ch 1, 1 sc in each st and ch 1 space around.  Join to first sc and end off.  Hide and cut all ends. 

Trim on white hat:  Attach red yarn.  Ch 1 in same space, skip 1 st, *5 dc in next st, skip 1 st, 1 sc in next, skip next st.  Repeat * to * around.  End off and hide ends and cut ends.

Very easy stitch. 

Have a good one.....Nan..

Snuck Out

I watched and waited and when no one was looking I grabbed the keys and ran to the car.  Slowly I backed out of the driveway, not wanting to get anyone's attention.  I am heading to Joann's Fabric.  I wanted to buy more fleece for the babies.  I filled 4 orders today and my finished one are dwindling.  Upon arriving at the store I grab a cart with full intentions of filling it up.  Ah, this is soft, this one too.  Then I spotted two bolts up above and the sales lady got them for me.  Then they were cut, and when all were finished there wasn't much room left in the cart.  Yes, I also threw some other things in there too.  It was all on sale and I had a coupon for 30% off the total order.  I did good but now I have four bags, three of which are fleece.  They will know where I went.  My phone hasn't made a sound.  Maybe they don't know I'm gone. 
All the pretties in the bags!

On arriving home, there they were at the front door waiting to see what pretties I bought for the babies today.  They love what I am doing.

Have a good one.....Nan

Pumpkin or Santa Hats

Pumpkin or Santa Hat

I Love This Yarn ~ Sport Weight ~ Orange & Dark Olive for Pumpkin & Lipstick & White for Santa Hats
Size G hook 

Row 1:  Chain 4 and join to make a circle.  Ch 3, counts as 1 dc.  11 dc in circle, join to top of ch 3.  Do not turn.

Row 2:  Ch 3, 1 dc in same space, 2 dc in each dc from prior row.  24 dc.  Join to top of ch 3.  Do not turn.

Row 3:  Ch 1, 1 sc in same space, * ch 3, skip 1 dc, 1 sc in next space* to last dc, ch 2, 1 hdc in 1st sc to join round.  Ch 1.  Turn each row now. 

Row 4: 1 sc in first ch 3 space, *ch 3, 1 sc in ch 3 space to end.  Join row by ch 2, then put a hdc in ch 1 in beginning of row.

Repeat Row 4  for 4 more rows.  End main color.

Row 9:  Attach trim color.  Ch 2, counts as 1 hdc,* 2 hdc in ch 3, 1 hdc in sc* around.  Join to top of ch 2.  End off.  Hide and cut all tails.  ( You can also use a sc instead of a hdc for trim.)

Add a pom pom in contrasting color to top of hat.  Quick and easy.

Have a good one.....Nan..

New stats!

I am so excited.  Almost a year ago I started with this idea of making hats and blankets for the Preemies.  Then I found out they needed items for those little angels that don't make it.  So I started making "gowns" ~ demise gowns, and let's not forget the cuddle sacs.  I never thought I would get the requests that I get from others that need these items.  I started small with two local hospitals, then it went to another in Philly.  I was getting requests from Nurses.  I did make some things they asked for.  One hospital wants warmer blankets, these are for the warmers that the babies go in as soon as they are born.  I have 15 of those sent. 

I went shopping for yarn.  Must be soft and pretty, oh and certain colors don't look good on the babies.  Make some super small hats that fit a large egg.  Do you realize how small that is.  I do.  I can whip up one of those in 10 minutes.  So much fun.  I wanted to make and donate 1000 hats.  I am getting there.

Totals sent so far:  Blankets ~  604,
                              Hats ~ 423,
                              Gowns ~ 37
                              Cuddle Sacs ~ 26
                              Warmer Blankets ~ 15

I am so proud.  If there is anyone out there that has the name of a NICU that needs and will accept items, let me know.  Also if anyone wants to help with a donation of funds for postage or supplies, I could use it as I pay for everything myself.  Wish I was rich.

So thank all of my followers, it really makes me excited to see how many people look at this blog.  I will post a new hat pattern in the next few days.  In the mean time, look around and see if there is anything you like.

Have a good one.....Nan.. 

Next Donation Box

I had another box ready to send but it didn't have a destination until the other day.  It will be sent to Kelly at Bella Bambina Knits to go to a hospital in New York.  I ordered gift tags to go on all the larger things I make. 

My latest articles are Santa Hats for the babies.  Aren't they cute.   Would love to see them on the babies. 

Have a good one.....Nan..

New Hat Design ~ Tie Hats

                                                    Tie Hats

 Lion Brand Jamie Yarn in Sunshine,  Contrasting color, & Size G hook
Fpdc ~ Front post double crochet

Row 1:  Chain 40 with main color and join to form a circle.  Chain 3.  1 dc in each chain around.  40 dc.  Join in top of ch 3.  Do not turn.

Row 2 to 11: Ch 3, *1 dc in next 3 dc, Fpdc around next dc*  Repeat * to *.  End by joining in top of ch 3.  End off. 

Attach contrasting color to top of hat.  Ch 1, 1 sc in each dc around.  Join to ch 1.  End off.  Now attach contrasting color to bottom of hat and repeat ch 1, 1 sc in each stitch around.  Join to ch 1.  End.  Hide all tails.

Chain 80 with contrasting color.  End off.  Weave in row 10 from bottom of hat.  Tie.

Wasn't that one easy?  I even remembered how to put the picture in!

Have a good one.....Nan..


I made an angel pinafore from a pattern from on the net.  Wanting a new flower I made it up and wrote it down.

Lions Brand Baby Soft Yarn in white.  Universal Bella DK in purple.  Size G hook

Row 1:  Chain 5 and join in a circle.  Chain 3.

Row 2: In center of circle, do a dc leaving last loop on needle (2 loops), yo, draw up another loop in same space, pull through two loops, (3 loops on needle), yo, draw up loop in same space, pull through 2 loops (4 loops on needle), yo, draw up another loop in same space,, pull through 2 loops, (5 loops on needle), yo, pull through all 5 loops,  ch 3.  *Yo, insert hook in circle, Draw up a loop, draw through 2 loops, leaving last loop on hook (2 loops), yo, insert hook in circle, draw up loop, draw through 2 loops, (3 loops) until there are 5 loops on hook.  Draw yarn through all 5 loops.  Ch 3.*  Repeat * to * until there are 6 petals in circle.  Ch 3 and join to ch 1 space.

Row 3:  Attach purple to top of ch on top of petal,  ch 1, sc in same space.  *In ch 3 space, crochet 8 dc.  In top of petal 1 sc.* Repeat * to * forming 6 petals.  End by joining in top of first ch 1.  End purple.   You can end the flower here or attach white and do next row.  Leave a 12 inch tail of thread to sew flower to garment.

Row 4:  Attach white to first dc of any petal.  Ch 1, 1 sc in same space.  1 sc in next 7 dc, 1 long sc in next st.  You can actually put it in the top of sc on the top of the first petal.  *1 sc in next 8 dc, 1 long sc in next sc.*    Repeat * to * around.  End by joining to ch 1 in beginning.  Hide ends and sew to item

I sew flower to garment using purple yarn weaving in and out of each purple petal.

Have fun!..... Nan.. 

New Flower for Hats

Red Heart Baby TLC, # 3 yarn, Girlie Girl;  Size G Hook, Small amount of contrasting color.

Row 1:  Ch 4 and join to form a circle.  Ch 3, 12 dc in center of circle.  Join to top of ch 3.

Row 2:  Ch 3, counts as 1 dc.  5 dc in same space.  6 dc in next stitch and each stitch around. 78 dc.  join to top of ch 3 and end off.

Row 3:  Trim.  Attach contrasting color.  Ch 1, 1 sc in same space, *ch 1, 1 sc in next st*, around.  Join to ch 1 and end off.  Hide all ends and cut off.

I attach this flower by sewing in the spaces between row 1 & 2.  Use the trim color to sew.  Ruffle edges in the way you want.

Have a good one.....Nan...


Hello to all the new and old users and followers of this site.  Little by little I am trying to make it more user friendly.  I added a "donate" button.  If you would like to donate money to help buy yarn, fleece or other items for the preemies, it would be appreciated.  No, this is not a must but it would really help.  I use all my own funds to buy everything I use.  Any funds will go to the Preemies. 

Next, I am going to try to put an index on this site to assist with finding the patterns.  Just give me some time an be patient.  And be sure to return.

Have a good one.....Nan..

Round Bodice Gown

Round Bodice Gown

Lion Brand Baby Soft in white, Orchid for trim, Size G hook

Row 1:  Ch 42.  Skip 1st ch.  1 sc in next 41 chains.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 2:  1 dc in next 2 sc, * 2 dc in next sc, 1 dc in next 3 sc, *  Repeat * to *.  52 dc.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 3:  1 dc in next 2 sts, *2 dc in next st, 1 dc in next 4 sts* across.  63 dc.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 4:  1 dc in next 3 sts, * 2 dc in next st, 1 dc in next 4 sts* across.  76 dc.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 5:  1 dc in 1st st, *skip 1 st, 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in next st* across.  End with 1 dc in last 2 sts. 36 shells.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 6:  1 dc in dc, shell in next  5 shells, skip 7 shells, (armhole), shell in next 12 shells, skip 7 shells, shell in next 5 shells, 1 dc in last 2 dc.  Ch 3, turn.

Row 7 to Row 21:  1 dc in next dc, shell in all shells across, end with 1 dc in last two dc.  End off.


Row 1:  Attach yarn to underarm.  Ch 3, 1 dc in last 2 dc of shell.  Shell in next 7 shells.  1 dc in last 2 dc.  Join to top of ch 3.  Turn.

Row 2 to 6:  1 dc in next 2 dc, shell in next 7 shells, 1 dc in next 2 dc.  Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3 turn.  End off.

Attach orchid or color of your choice to first dc of shell on ending row.  Ch 1, 1 sc in next 2 sts, *3 sc in ch 2 space, 1 sc in next 4 sts*  sc, ch 1, sc in corners.  Work sc up one side, around neckline, then down other side.  End off.

Trim on sleeves is same as bottom,  3 sc in ch 2 space, 1 sc in next 4 sts.  Join and end off.

Ch 150 to use as tie around neckline, or use ribbon. 


Row 1:  Ch 4 and join.   Ch 3, 11 dc in circle.

Row 2:  1 dc in same space as ch 3, 2 dc in each st around.  24 sts.  Ch 3.

Row 3:  Skip 1 st, shell in next st, skip 2 sts, shell in next st around, end by joining to top of ch 3.  8 shells and 1 ch 3.  Ch 3.

Row 4 to 7:   Shell in each shell around, join to top of ch 3.  Trim the same as botton trim on gown.  Weave all ends in and clip.

This is an easy pattern.  Have fun with the colors.  Use the bodice, then put your own design on for the gown.

Have a good one.....Nan..

Pink Ruffled Gown

Pink Ruffled Gown

Lions Brand Baby Soft Yarn - White and pink, size g hook.

Shell: 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in ch 1 space;  Fpdc: Front Post DC.

Row 1:With white yarn ch 39.  1 hdc in 2nd ch from hook. (Counts as 1 hdc)  1 hdc in next 4 ch, 3 hdc in next ch, (creates corner) 1 hdc in next 5 ch, 3 hdc in next ch, 1 hdc in next 11 ch, 3 hdc in next ch, 5 hdc in next 5 ch, 3 hdc in next ch,  1 hdc in next 6 ch.  Ch 3 turn. Counts as 1 hdc.

Row 2:  Skip 1 hdc, *1 hdc in each hdc, working in back stitch only,  3 hdc in 2nd hdc of corner st* around.  End with ch 3, turn.

Row 3 to row 7:  Repeat row 2.

Row 8: 1 hdc in each st to corner, 1 hdc in first two st, ch 3 and skip to next corner.  1 hdc in second st, forms armhole, 1 hdc in each hdc across front to 2nd corner st.  1 hdc in 2nd st, ch 3, 1 hdc in 2nd st of corner.  1 hdc in remaining stitches.  Ch 3, turn.

Row 9: 1 dc in next 2 st, 2 dc in next, *1 dc in next 3, 2 dc in next st* Repeat across working in ch 3 at armholes.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 10:  Skip 1st st, 1 dc in next st, skip 2 st, shell in next st, * skip 1 st, 1 dc in next st, skip next st, shell in next st* across. Ending with skip 2 st, 1 dc in last 3 st.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 11:  Skip 1st st, 1 dc in next 2 st, *shell in ch 1 space of previous shell, 1 fpdc in next dc* across.  End with 1 dc in last 2 dc.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 12 to 26:  Repeat row 11, keeping post st on the right side of pattern.  End off.

Pink trim on bodice:  With right side facing you and garment upside down, attach pink to first hdc front loop on row 4.  Ch 1, 1 sc in same st, *ch 3, 1 sc in next st* across row working in front loop. End off.

Attach pink to front loops of row 8.  Repeat * to * of trim above to underarm, end off.  Attach to underarm on front, work across front, end off.  Join at underarm and work across to back opening.  Cut yarn. 

Sleeves:  Attack white in underarm.  Ch 3, Work 21 dc in armhole opening.  Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3.

Row 2 to 4: 1 dc in each dc around.  Join, ch 3.

Trim:  Attach pink yarn on bottom of garment.  Ch 1, sc in same st. 1 sc in each st to ch 1 space.  1sc, ch1, 1 sc in ch 1 space.  Repeat to corner.  1 sc, ch 1, 1 sc in each corner.  Work up the back, around neckline, and down other side working sc evenly around.  End off. 

Weave all ends in, cutting all tails.  For all ties:  Ch 150 in pink, end off.  Weave in row 1 and 9 evenly.  Weave in ends in chain.

Any problems with my patterns, or if you need help, please let me know.  I do try to make the patterns easy to use and read so you can make them up quickly for the babies.  A lot of the patterns are interchangeable pattern wise.  So sit back and enjoy the pattern.

Have a good one.....Nan

Lacey Hat With Flower

Lion Brand Baby Soft Yarn, Main color and contrasting color.  Size G hook.

Shell - 1 dc, ch 1, 1 dc.      Fpdc - Front post dc

Row 1:  Ch 4 and join to make a circle.  Ch 3, 11 dc in center of circle.  Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3.  12 dc.

Row 2:  1 dc in same space as ch 3, 2 dc in each st around.  Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3.  24 dc.

Row 3:  *Shell in next st, 1 dc in next st.*  Around.  Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3.

Row 4:  *Shell in ch 1 space of shell,  fpdc around dc*  Around.  Join to top of ch 3.

Row 5 to Row 13:  Repeat row 4.  End off.

Row 14:  Join contrasting color.  Ch 1. 1 sc in same space and every stitch around.  Join.

Row 15:  Join main color.  Ch 1, 1 sc in same space and every stitch around.  Join.  End off.  Hide all ends.


Row 1:  Ch 4 and join to form circle.  * 1 dc ch 1 in circle* Repeat until there are 12 dc and 12 ch 1 spaces.  Join. Slip st to ch 1 space, Ch 3.

Row 2:  3 dc in ch 1, *1 sc in next ch 1 space,  4 dc in next ch 1 space,*  Around.  Join and end yarn leaving a 12 inch tail. 

Row 3:  Join contrasting color to 1st dc.  Ch 1, *sc, ch 1 in each dc.  Do a long sc in each sc on row below.*  Around.  Join, end off.  Hide small tails.  Using long tail, sew flower to hat.  Hide end.

Have a good one.....Nan

Latest Preemie Gown - Pink Trim

Lion Brand Baby Soft Yarn - White and pink or any other contrasting color.  Size G Crochet Hook

Baubles:  Yarn over, draw up a loop, Yarn over,  pull through 2 loops, yarn over, insert hook in same stitch, draw up another loop, yarn over, pull through 2 loops, yarn over, insert hook in same st, pull up loop, yarn over pull through 2 loops, yarn over, pull through 4 remaining loops on hook.

Shell:  2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in same stitch.

Fpdc: Front post double crochet

Row 1: Ch 47.  1 hdc in 3rd ch, 1 hdc in next 7 ch, 1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in next ch.  1 hdc in next 7 ch, 1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in next st.  1 hdc in next 12 ch, 1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in next ch.  1 hdc in next 7 ch, 1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in next ch, 1 hdc in next 7 ch.    Ch 3, turn. 

Row 2:  Skip first st.  *1 hdc in each st until ch 1 space. 1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in ch 1 space.* Repeat * to * across row.  Ch 3, turn.

Row 3 to row 6:  Repeat row 2.

Row 7:  Skip 1st st, 1 hdc in next 2 st, attach pink yarn.  Do not cut white.  Do bauble in next st, using white yarn to pull through remaining 4 loops.  Working over pink yarn 1 hdc in next 3 sts, bauble in next st. 1 hdc in next 4 st.  1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in ch 1 space.  *1 hdc in next 3, bauble in next,* Repeat to ch 1 space, 1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in ch 1 space,  1 hdc in next 2, bauble in next, *1 hdc in next 3 sts, bauble in next*, to ch 1 space.  1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in ch 1 space.  1 hdc in next 2 sts, bauble in next, *1 hdc in next 3 sts bauble in next to ch 1 space,*  1 hdc, ch 1, 1 hdc in ch 1 space.  1 hdc in next 2 sts, bauble in next, * 1 hdc in next 3 sts, bauble in next.*  End with 1 hdc in last sts to end.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 8: Skip 1st st. 1 dc in each st to ch 1 space, ch 3, 1 dc in next ch 1 space.  Dc in each st to next ch 1 space, 1 dc in ch 1 space, ch 3, 1 dc in next ch 1 space.  Dc in remaining sts.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 9:  Skip 1 st.  *shell in next st, skip 1 st, 1 fpdc in next st, skip 1 st.*  Repeat around.  Ch 3, turn.

Row 10: *Shell in ch 1 space, 1 fpdc in fpdc of previous row.* End with 1 dc in last st.  Ch 3, turn.

Row 11 to Row 26:  Repeat row 10.


Row 1:  Attach white in ch space for armhole, ch 3, 26 dc around armhole opening.  Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3, turn.

Row 2 to Row 5:  1 dc in each dc around.  Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3.  Turn.

Attach pink yarn in bottom of gown.  Ch 1, 1 sc in same st.  1 sc in each st until ch 1 space.  Put 1 sc, ch 2, 1 sc in each ch 1 space.  Work to corner.  Put 1 sc, ch 1, 1 sc in each corner of garment.  Work both sides and around neck in sc.  End by joining to ch 1.  Do same trim for sleeves. 

Hide all ends and trim.  Ties can be ribbon or chain 125 and weave in 1st row and last dc row of bodice. 

Hat pattern is already here and the flower is also listed already.  Have fun.

Have a good one.......Nan   

Pink Ruffled Flower

This flower is super easy to do.  Can be made bigger too.

Lion Brand Yarn Pink and small amount white

Size E crochet hook

Row 1:  Ch 4 and join.  Ch 1, 12 sc in circle.  Join. 

Row 2:  Ch 3.  5 dc in 1st sc, *6 dc in each sc around.  Join.  Cut yarn 12 inches long to use for attaching flower to any article.

Trim:  Attach white, ch 1, sc in same space, Ch 1. *Sc in next st, ch 1* around.  Join.  End off.  Hide ends.

Flower can be made bigger by using dc in first row instead of sc.  Form ruffle  in any design.

Have a good one.....Nan

Gold Trimmed Preemie Hat

Sport yarn in White and Gold, Size E hook

Row 1:  Ch 4 and join.  Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc),  11 dc in center.  Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3.

Row 2:  1 dc in same st.  *2 dc in each dc* around.  Join to top of ch 3.  24 dc.

Row 3:  Ch 3. 1 dc in next 2 st, 2 dc in next, *1 dc in next 3 sts, 2 dc in next* around.  Join to top of ch 3.

Row 4:  Ch 3.  *Skip 2 dc.  In third dc put 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc.* Repeat around.  Join to top of ch 3.

Row 5:  Ch 3.  *2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in ch 1 space on prior row.  Skip 2 dc, 1 dc in next dc.*  Around.  Join to top of ch 3.

Row 6:  Ch 3.  *2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in ch 1 space, 1 dc in single dc,* around. 

Row 7 to 9:  Repeat row 6.  Then end off white leaving 12 inch tail.

Trim:  Attach gold yarn, ch 1, sc in each dc, sc, ch1, sc in each ch 1 space around.  Attach to ch 1, end off.  Hide all tails.

Flower:  Ch 4 and join.  Ch 3 ( counts as 1 dc) 9 dc in circle.

Row 2:  Ch 1, sc in same ch.  *5 dc in same st, sc in next st.* around.  Join to ch 1. (5 petals) End off white.

Row 3:  Attach gold in sc space.  Ch 1, do a long sc by putting needle in row below and draw up yarn, sc in next dc, ch 1.  Sc in next st, ch 1 in all 5 dc. * Long sc in next st.  Sc, ch 1 in next 5 dc*.  around.  Join to ch 1.  Draw up loop in row below around row 1.  Ch in each space around.  End off and hide all tails.

Attach flower to hat using 12 inch tail. 

Have a good one.....Nan

Curly cues

I was experimenting with different embellishments on the hats and did curly cues on the top.  I chained 20 and attached the chain to the top of the hat, then chained 20 more.  I put 3 sc in each ch on both ends of the chain.  It curled by its self.  If you don't want a curl you can unravel it to give it a different design.  Make at least 4 of these for the top of the hat.  Will post a pix.

Have a good one.....Nan
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