Gold Trimmed Preemie Hat

Sport yarn in White and Gold, Size E hook

Row 1:  Ch 4 and join.  Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc),  11 dc in center.  Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3.

Row 2:  1 dc in same st.  *2 dc in each dc* around.  Join to top of ch 3.  24 dc.

Row 3:  Ch 3. 1 dc in next 2 st, 2 dc in next, *1 dc in next 3 sts, 2 dc in next* around.  Join to top of ch 3.

Row 4:  Ch 3.  *Skip 2 dc.  In third dc put 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc.* Repeat around.  Join to top of ch 3.

Row 5:  Ch 3.  *2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in ch 1 space on prior row.  Skip 2 dc, 1 dc in next dc.*  Around.  Join to top of ch 3.

Row 6:  Ch 3.  *2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in ch 1 space, 1 dc in single dc,* around. 

Row 7 to 9:  Repeat row 6.  Then end off white leaving 12 inch tail.

Trim:  Attach gold yarn, ch 1, sc in each dc, sc, ch1, sc in each ch 1 space around.  Attach to ch 1, end off.  Hide all tails.

Flower:  Ch 4 and join.  Ch 3 ( counts as 1 dc) 9 dc in circle.

Row 2:  Ch 1, sc in same ch.  *5 dc in same st, sc in next st.* around.  Join to ch 1. (5 petals) End off white.

Row 3:  Attach gold in sc space.  Ch 1, do a long sc by putting needle in row below and draw up yarn, sc in next dc, ch 1.  Sc in next st, ch 1 in all 5 dc. * Long sc in next st.  Sc, ch 1 in next 5 dc*.  around.  Join to ch 1.  Draw up loop in row below around row 1.  Ch in each space around.  End off and hide all tails.

Attach flower to hat using 12 inch tail. 

Have a good one.....Nan
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