Pink Ruffled Flower

This flower is super easy to do.  Can be made bigger too.

Lion Brand Yarn Pink and small amount white

Size E crochet hook

Row 1:  Ch 4 and join.  Ch 1, 12 sc in circle.  Join. 

Row 2:  Ch 3.  5 dc in 1st sc, *6 dc in each sc around.  Join.  Cut yarn 12 inches long to use for attaching flower to any article.

Trim:  Attach white, ch 1, sc in same space, Ch 1. *Sc in next st, ch 1* around.  Join.  End off.  Hide ends.

Flower can be made bigger by using dc in first row instead of sc.  Form ruffle  in any design.

Have a good one.....Nan
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