New Hat Design ~ Tie Hats

                                                    Tie Hats

 Lion Brand Jamie Yarn in Sunshine,  Contrasting color, & Size G hook
Fpdc ~ Front post double crochet

Row 1:  Chain 40 with main color and join to form a circle.  Chain 3.  1 dc in each chain around.  40 dc.  Join in top of ch 3.  Do not turn.

Row 2 to 11: Ch 3, *1 dc in next 3 dc, Fpdc around next dc*  Repeat * to *.  End by joining in top of ch 3.  End off. 

Attach contrasting color to top of hat.  Ch 1, 1 sc in each dc around.  Join to ch 1.  End off.  Now attach contrasting color to bottom of hat and repeat ch 1, 1 sc in each stitch around.  Join to ch 1.  End.  Hide all tails.

Chain 80 with contrasting color.  End off.  Weave in row 10 from bottom of hat.  Tie.

Wasn't that one easy?  I even remembered how to put the picture in!

Have a good one.....Nan..
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