Round Bodice Gown

Round Bodice Gown

Lion Brand Baby Soft in white, Orchid for trim, Size G hook

Row 1:  Ch 42.  Skip 1st ch.  1 sc in next 41 chains.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 2:  1 dc in next 2 sc, * 2 dc in next sc, 1 dc in next 3 sc, *  Repeat * to *.  52 dc.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 3:  1 dc in next 2 sts, *2 dc in next st, 1 dc in next 4 sts* across.  63 dc.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 4:  1 dc in next 3 sts, * 2 dc in next st, 1 dc in next 4 sts* across.  76 dc.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 5:  1 dc in 1st st, *skip 1 st, 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in next st* across.  End with 1 dc in last 2 sts. 36 shells.  Ch 3 turn.

Row 6:  1 dc in dc, shell in next  5 shells, skip 7 shells, (armhole), shell in next 12 shells, skip 7 shells, shell in next 5 shells, 1 dc in last 2 dc.  Ch 3, turn.

Row 7 to Row 21:  1 dc in next dc, shell in all shells across, end with 1 dc in last two dc.  End off.


Row 1:  Attach yarn to underarm.  Ch 3, 1 dc in last 2 dc of shell.  Shell in next 7 shells.  1 dc in last 2 dc.  Join to top of ch 3.  Turn.

Row 2 to 6:  1 dc in next 2 dc, shell in next 7 shells, 1 dc in next 2 dc.  Join to top of ch 3.  Ch 3 turn.  End off.

Attach orchid or color of your choice to first dc of shell on ending row.  Ch 1, 1 sc in next 2 sts, *3 sc in ch 2 space, 1 sc in next 4 sts*  sc, ch 1, sc in corners.  Work sc up one side, around neckline, then down other side.  End off.

Trim on sleeves is same as bottom,  3 sc in ch 2 space, 1 sc in next 4 sts.  Join and end off.

Ch 150 to use as tie around neckline, or use ribbon. 


Row 1:  Ch 4 and join.   Ch 3, 11 dc in circle.

Row 2:  1 dc in same space as ch 3, 2 dc in each st around.  24 sts.  Ch 3.

Row 3:  Skip 1 st, shell in next st, skip 2 sts, shell in next st around, end by joining to top of ch 3.  8 shells and 1 ch 3.  Ch 3.

Row 4 to 7:   Shell in each shell around, join to top of ch 3.  Trim the same as botton trim on gown.  Weave all ends in and clip.

This is an easy pattern.  Have fun with the colors.  Use the bodice, then put your own design on for the gown.

Have a good one.....Nan..
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