
I made an angel pinafore from a pattern from bevscottage.com on the net.  Wanting a new flower I made it up and wrote it down.

Lions Brand Baby Soft Yarn in white.  Universal Bella DK in purple.  Size G hook

Row 1:  Chain 5 and join in a circle.  Chain 3.

Row 2: In center of circle, do a dc leaving last loop on needle (2 loops), yo, draw up another loop in same space, pull through two loops, (3 loops on needle), yo, draw up loop in same space, pull through 2 loops (4 loops on needle), yo, draw up another loop in same space,, pull through 2 loops, (5 loops on needle), yo, pull through all 5 loops,  ch 3.  *Yo, insert hook in circle, Draw up a loop, draw through 2 loops, leaving last loop on hook (2 loops), yo, insert hook in circle, draw up loop, draw through 2 loops, (3 loops) until there are 5 loops on hook.  Draw yarn through all 5 loops.  Ch 3.*  Repeat * to * until there are 6 petals in circle.  Ch 3 and join to ch 1 space.

Row 3:  Attach purple to top of ch on top of petal,  ch 1, sc in same space.  *In ch 3 space, crochet 8 dc.  In top of petal 1 sc.* Repeat * to * forming 6 petals.  End by joining in top of first ch 1.  End purple.   You can end the flower here or attach white and do next row.  Leave a 12 inch tail of thread to sew flower to garment.

Row 4:  Attach white to first dc of any petal.  Ch 1, 1 sc in same space.  1 sc in next 7 dc, 1 long sc in next st.  You can actually put it in the top of sc on the top of the first petal.  *1 sc in next 8 dc, 1 long sc in next sc.*    Repeat * to * around.  End by joining to ch 1 in beginning.  Hide ends and sew to item

I sew flower to garment using purple yarn weaving in and out of each purple petal.

Have fun!..... Nan.. 

New Flower for Hats

Red Heart Baby TLC, # 3 yarn, Girlie Girl;  Size G Hook, Small amount of contrasting color.

Row 1:  Ch 4 and join to form a circle.  Ch 3, 12 dc in center of circle.  Join to top of ch 3.

Row 2:  Ch 3, counts as 1 dc.  5 dc in same space.  6 dc in next stitch and each stitch around. 78 dc.  join to top of ch 3 and end off.

Row 3:  Trim.  Attach contrasting color.  Ch 1, 1 sc in same space, *ch 1, 1 sc in next st*, around.  Join to ch 1 and end off.  Hide all ends and cut off.

I attach this flower by sewing in the spaces between row 1 & 2.  Use the trim color to sew.  Ruffle edges in the way you want.

Have a good one.....Nan...


Hello to all the new and old users and followers of this site.  Little by little I am trying to make it more user friendly.  I added a "donate" button.  If you would like to donate money to help buy yarn, fleece or other items for the preemies, it would be appreciated.  No, this is not a must but it would really help.  I use all my own funds to buy everything I use.  Any funds will go to the Preemies. 

Next, I am going to try to put an index on this site to assist with finding the patterns.  Just give me some time an be patient.  And be sure to return.

Have a good one.....Nan..
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